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TORG Cosplay Competition General Rules

All cosplays, regardless of entry, must fall in line with the convention's dress code and prop policy.

All participants entering the contest, regardless of category, must sign up ahead of time either online or in person. Contestants in the competitive category must attend prejudging in order to compete. Only a limited amount of in person entries will be available.


Contestants are expected to enter the appropriate category for their skill level, not solely on experience level. 

Judges reserve the right to bump up contestants if their skill level presents itself to be higher than the category entered. Participants who have won any major award previously at TORG Events are asked to automatically rise to the next highest category if applicable.

Contestants will follow proper convention and competition etiquette while prejudging and during the competition out of respect for all attendees.

Any costume that has already won a major award at a TORG Cosplay Contest or any other event will not be eligible to compete.

Judge's decisions are final, and while contestants may seek feedback after the competition throughout the weekend, judges will not be asked to justify their choices.

No bullying in any form will be tolerated. If at ANY point you are found to be making negative or hurtful comments, you will be disqualified and asked to leave.

No performing any dangerous acts on the stage. Any actions that can lead to the harm or damage to equipment, staff, contestants, attendees, etc. will lead to disqualification. That means anything that goes on stage with you must come off with you, no props or actions that make a mess or could cause damage/injury, no extreme poses such as cartwheels or handstands, etc.


All walk-ons must be PG-13. No swearing, nudity, inappropriate gestures, etc


All contestants must follow the guidance of the coordinator and judges. Attendees that purposefully cause a scene or significant trouble to staff may be asked to leave or disqualified.

By participating in this event you consent to your photo and preferred name/handle being shared on TORG EVENTS’ social media pages and website. 

For additional questions or concerns, visit the cosplay area for guidance or email

TORG Cosplay Categories and Prizes


This category is for contestants ages 12 and under. Participants in this category may enter in store-bought or homemade costumes, but will be asked to specify this to judges during registration. Youth who make their own or portions of their cosplay will be scored higher. Pre-judging may be requested by Youth participants, but it is not required. Parents or guardians that make a large majority of the youth’s cosplay are encouraged to enter the competitive category with the youth as their model, but this is not required. A parent or guardian must accompany contestants in the Youth category. Awards and prizes as follows:


  • First Place Youth       Trophy

  • Second Place Youth Trophy


This category is the walk-on only portion of the cosplay contest. Participants in this category will be given the opportunity to show off their cosplays without the hassle of going through the craftsmanship judging process. This category is ideal for those who are new to the competition scene to get a chance to see what the process is like or for those who wish to display their store bought cosplays or handmade cosplays and do not wish to have their craftsmanship analyzed. Participants that highlight the play aspect of cosPLAY on stage will be scored higher. Best in Character will be awarded based on judge scoring. Audience Choice will be awarded by audience vote. Awards and prizes as follows:

  • Best in Character       Trophy

  • Audience Choice       Trophy



This category is the craftsmanship portion of the cosplay contest. Participants in this category must attend pre-judging at their specified time allotted during registration. During registration you will be asked to enter into one of two divisions: Novice or Advanced. Groups participating must enter the division that matches the level of their most skilled member. In other words, a group of all novices may enter Novice, but a group with at least one Advanced member, must enter in Advanced. Models may be utilized for entries, but the maker of the cosplay must be present and will be the recipient of any rewards received. All contestants must bring a reference image(s) of their character. Progress pictures and build books are highly recommended, but not required.      



This division is for cosplayers new to crafting and competing. Novice competitors are expected to have made at least 50% of their cosplay. Modified pieces that are significantly transformed may be counted towards the made requirement, but made from scratch pieces will be scored higher. No one who has won Best Novice or higher awards at TORG or any other convention may enter this division. Awards and prizes as follows:

o First Place Novice            $100 and trophy

o Second Place Novice     $50 and trophy


This division is for seasoned cosplay makers and competitors. Advanced competitors are expected to have made at least 70% of their cosplay. Modified pieces that are significantly transformed may be counted towards the made requirement, but made from scratch pieces will be scored higher. Anyone can enter this division as long as the made percentage has been met. Awards and prizes as follows:

o   First Place Advanced           $200 and trophy

o   Second Place Advanced      $100 and trophy

 In addition to the award and prizes listed above, both divisions will be eligible for:

o   Best in Show  $300 and trophy

o   Judge Awards

Contestants are expected to enter the appropriate category for their skill level, not solely on experience level. Judges reserve the right to bump up contestants if their skill level presents itself to be higher than the category entered. Participants who have won any major award previously at TORG Cosplay Contests are asked to automatically rise to the next highest category if applicable. Any participant found guilty of falsifying claims about their cosplay or their past experience (including but not limited to: falsely claiming you crafted all or portions of your cosplay, falsely claiming a lower rank than you are, or falsely claiming you have never won a prize with the cosplay you have entered) will be disqualified and potentially banned from future TORG Cosplay Contests. TORG EVENTS reserves the right to modify, update, or amend these rules at any time. For additional questions or concerns, visit the cosplay area for guidance or email


Tips for Competing in Cosplay

Sign up ahead of time! Make sure that you can secure a spot in our contest by submitting your entry before spots fill up. Only a limited number of in-person sign-ups will be available!


Show up early to your prejudging! Ensure your space in our competition by arriving on time, or even better, before. This allows us judges to make sure everyone has enough time to show off their work, and move things along quickly and smoothly.


Come prepared to your prejudging! Make sure you have references of the character(s) you’re cosplaying and progress pictures of your competition entry handy to show your judges. Even better if you have physical copies!


Make a list of what you need to bring! It can be exciting and overwhelming when deciding to compete, but don’t let that stop you from remembering everything! Create a list of everything in your build, from large parts to smaller accessories and props. That way, you don’t have to worry about forgetting any pieces, especially if you’re in a rush to be ready!


Do a test run of your cosplay! Con crunching can be stressful, but it is important to leave time to try on your full outfit before debuting it. That way you can make adjustments if needed, get a feel for the fit of it, repair any trouble spots, confirm your mobility, and make sure it’s secure!


Know the whens and wheres! It is important to be aware of where you need to be and when in regards to the contest. Make sure you know where to go for prejudging and what time you need to be there, as well as when and where the competition is! Your judges will remind you at the end of your prejudging when and where to return for the contest!


Check the dress code! Make sure your cosplay falls in line with the TORG EVENTS dress code so that you are not disqualified or asked to change.


Listen to your hosts and judges! These people will help you get ready to take the stage by informing you of times and locations you will need to know. Keep your eyes and ears open when they are directing you, and don’t be afraid to ask questions!


Be mindful of con etiquette! Be courteous of your fellow competitors by cheering them on, remaining seated and silent for the hosts, and having good sportsmanship!


Consider getting feedback! Reaching out to judges after the competition can be a good way to learn where you can improve for next time, what they particularly found impressive, and what techniques you could try in the future! Hear their thoughts on how you did and connect with them for resources!


Take care of yourself! We can get caught up in the excitement of things, but don’t risk your big moment by sacrificing your health! Make sure to eat and stay hydrated, as well as using aids that allow you to stay safe and comfortable!


Have fun! Focus on enjoying your time with us and taking pride in your hard work!

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